Ok, I know I promised I would update this, but I have been super busy. Today I decided that if we are going to be in this house atleast another year and the blah color of paint can't be changed (i.e. I am too lazy to paint it back) then I should decorate the girls rooms. Maybe they would like playing in it/sleeping in it more if I make it more pleasant. So, I got paint, curtains, and butterfly decals. I painted thier dresser (which has been painted by yours truely atleast 3 times) just darker than peptol bismol pink. Then I put the decals up around the room and am just waiting till Zach gets home to put up the curtains. Then I will be taking a picture to regal you all with my handiwork.
Now, since this is the first time I have been online today (even thought it is 4:30 which is not normal for me, I am online like atleast 5 hours by now) I did all the usual surfing, checked out woot shirt, fed all my characters and checked out the food porn on foodbuzz, which is a daily reminder of food I would love to eat but are too cheap and incompetent to make myself. This reminds me I need to find somewhere in the valley that makes grits, becuase they are never as good when I make them. Anyone?
Dylan had field day today. Her teacher told her that she could wear shorts, hats, and sunglasses. Now, it has been cold and raining for days, but yesterday the rain let up and alot of the water dried. Today was glorious weather for a field day, then as soon as I left to pick her up, it started to blow and now it is sprinkling. They had hula hooping, jump roping, bean bag tossing and more. Her favorite was the hula hooping and they came home with ribbons, and water bottles.
I transplanted my zucchini last Friday. With all this weird weather, half of my plants look like they arent going to make it. Although both the zucchini plants have half a dozen blooms, but no leaves. I can't wait to have my own backyard, I am putting a gate across half the backyard, and use half for raised beds, and half for a swingset and a little dog. I want a fig, almond, and an orange tree. As you can see I have this all planned out. I want to be as self sufficient as possible. Since we eat alot of fruit and veggies, this is the best way, since I have no idea how to butcher a chicken. Now when Zach and I buy a couple acres in southern Oregon, then I will have chickens for eggs (again, not to butcher, thats gross! I prefer my meat dipped in ammonia and wrapped in plastic. See Food INC)
Last weekend we went to the renaissance fair and the kids had a blast. We went with the Holewinski's. The little girls got leather bracelets, but Dylan didn't want anything. But the highlight of the trip other than the 50 chicken nuggets on the way home was meeting TWIG the fairy. The girls sat on her lap and got pictures taken, and she gave each of them glittery fairy rocks.
Well, off to finish my favorite stew (ie beef, chopped potatoes, and trader joes fire roasted vegetables).
About Me

- Dylansmommie
- Well, I am a late 20's mom who is bored. I know that sounds crazy since I have 3 kids under the age of 6, but I have watched all the shows I am interested in, watched all the movies I want, I have read too many books to count, and have made enough jewelery and hairbows to fill a boutique. I play online games, magic with hubby at night, and my house is as clean as I want it to be.
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