I can never think what to write when I am sitting on the recliner with my laptop open. I mean, I have ideas of things I want to write, like short stories, and such, but nothing to write here. I get my ideas when I am driving.
Today I met my new visiting teachers. One of them Mandy, is really nice, and I have met her quite a few times but have never sat down to talk to her. She is really nice and it was good to get to know her. Jen is the other one, she is a convert like me and is the same age and has kids the same age. I am really looking forward to get to know her. She is nice, and I think she is going to make a great friend.
This week seems like it is going by fast, but when I realize when it is, it is never as far as I think. This weekend I had the best time. We had Ben and Desi over to spend the night, well sort of. They came friday night and we played Magic at a my friend Jen's. Then, saturday I went to Zach's cousins bridal shower. When we got home she left and we had Jen and another friend Robbie over to play Magic again. Then that night we had Jen and her hubby scott, ben's brother, and a friend named Darrin over for Magic again... needless to say we played alot of magic this weekend. It was fun though.The girls spent alot of time playing with thier cousins and friends.
I finally got Dylans birthday invitations done and passed out. She wants a Easter themed birthday, so we cut scrapbooking paper into the shape of eggs, glued a 6 on the front and the info on the inside. We invited our immediate family, a few family friends, and 5 kids from her class. Dylan wants sandwiches and chips, so I am thinking about getting a big sub for the adults and buying uncrustables for the kids. It is going to be at the park behind our house as that is where she likes to play. We were at build-a-bear a week-ish ago and there was a party and I asked her if she wanted to have a party there. She said she liked having it at the park. At $9 per kid I wasn't going to argue with her.
I am watching Eagle Eye while I watch this. One of my top 5 movies (the other 4 incase you are wondering are Dan in Real life, In the Land of Women, Howls moving castle, and Little Women in no particular order), I appreciated the fact that it is Even Stevens first movie as an adult. I tend to like movies that might actually happen, although I realize that Howl's moving castle is a bit of a stretch...LOL!
I hate summer. Not actually summer, but how it makes me feel. I love to swim, I love the heat (well ok, hate it, but it's not the end of the world) But every summer I start to get headaches, it messes with my hormones, and I am usually burned to a crisp by the time is hits 70 4 days in a row. But, I am excited to have Dylan home. Last week she had spring break and was home, ie at the park/etc As stressful as it was, I liked having her home. It was nice to have a conversation where we weren't both mostly confused.
All my plants except my green beans are dead. Some of white flies, some of fungus... I decided that other than flowers I am done until I get my own backyard.
About Me

- Dylansmommie
- Well, I am a late 20's mom who is bored. I know that sounds crazy since I have 3 kids under the age of 6, but I have watched all the shows I am interested in, watched all the movies I want, I have read too many books to count, and have made enough jewelery and hairbows to fill a boutique. I play online games, magic with hubby at night, and my house is as clean as I want it to be.
Hey There, that's cool that you have a new friend! Eric's cousin duane... his wife is in town & she's coming over for dinner tomorrow night. We totally need to have you guys over. I know you are always busy and Eric might have a job soon so look at your calendar and pick a friday saturday or sunday that you have open & we will plan to have you guys over for dinner and some games. Maybe you can bring Magic & teach us how to play. Just let me know when you guys can come... even if it's weeks in advance!! :) Love ya!
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