Friday nights
Last friday night was girls night in. When Zac has poker on Friday nights, we do all the things that he doesn't enjoy. We has curry and asparagus for dinner, then we watched a new anime called Ponyo while we cleaned, cut, and colored our nails. Now, I love anime, and I wouldn't say that I didn't like it, it was just different. It is a Japanese version of the little mermaid. My friend Gareth who I borrowed it from said that the kids would like it, but he wasn't sure about me. He apparently didn't like it as well. When you figure the things coming out of Studio Ghibli, you can't say that most of thier movies aren't a little screwed up, but thats kinda why I like them. When I was about 14, I saw the second half of Grave of the Fireflies. It was the first anime that I had ever seen. It was so powerful to me, even thought I didn't see why the kids were living in a cave, that I looked for it for years. Netflix came along and I finally was able to see the beginning and it broke my heart even more.
We did a bad thing and had a cheese platter for dinner a few nights ago. I was at Trader Joes and I can't walk by the cheese aisle without wishing I could taste all the different cheeses. Now, I do like my cheese, but am weary about spending a boatload of money on something I am not going to like. My top cheeses are Part Salud, and Havarti. My love of cheese however for shadowed by my intense stomach pains, and slothiness for the next two days.
This week we went through many babysitters as it has been the first week of the Stanley Cup playoffs. Normally during the week I tell Zac to take a friend, but since it is the playoffs and an experience like no other, I had to go. Wednesday night I was not feeling well, but went anyways, and tinnitus ensued. You know when you hear a bomb go off, or a gun shooting at close range (because people hear these things often) and you have that period where you kinda have the fuzzy hearing? Well that's what it was like, I could hear the crowd chanting just fine, but couldn't hear the guy sitting next to me talking to me.
Saturday, April 17, 2010 | | 0 Comments
Sometimes I wonder where my inner hippyness comes from then I come across pictures like this of my dad
This is my dad holding me and my older sister for what I can assume is my first christmas. Then it dawns on me. People are mostly about, where they came from. When you go back in my family, they are basically middle income, alot of military, easy going laid back type people. I have family on both sides that lied on thier military records in order to serve, one of which got found out, and kicked out of the air force.
I started doing my family history this week. I have way back on my fathers side, but have no pictures or stories about them, and then my mothers side doesn't go back farther than my great grandparents, but I have over 400 pictures now scanned in and stories typed about them. Here are some pictures of them:
This is my grandmothers grandmother's memorial
This is my granmothers brother Andrea climbing the Alps.
And this woman with the flowered dress is my grandmother, Fernanda
My family may not have classical beauty, but darn it they have European cuteness!
I am proud of my heritage.
Tuesday, April 06, 2010 | | 0 Comments
About Me

- Dylansmommie
- Well, I am a late 20's mom who is bored. I know that sounds crazy since I have 3 kids under the age of 6, but I have watched all the shows I am interested in, watched all the movies I want, I have read too many books to count, and have made enough jewelery and hairbows to fill a boutique. I play online games, magic with hubby at night, and my house is as clean as I want it to be.